Comme Consulting Amber Brodecky

Comme Consulting is a boutique consultancy
specialising in strategic communications, media relations
and community engagement.

Founded by communications & engagement strategist, Amber Brodecky, Comme Consulting operates on the belief that the best communications are those that are open, transparent, and stimulate community response and discussion. 

To deliver this we offer holistic skills and extensive experience across the communications, media relations and community engagement disciplines.

We work with all levels of government, not-for-profit and private organisations to provide high level, strategic issues management and advice; as well as practical, hands-on support to engage in two-way conversations with communities.



What We Do

As a boutique agency, the Comme Consulting team is agile, providing specialist skills and in-house support. We develop an intimate understanding of your operating environment, get across your issues and opportunities quickly, and make it our business to know yours.

Led by Amber Brodecky and offering a suite of solutions, we deliver one-off or fully integrated services across the following areas:


Sound communications advice & planning is essential to the successful delivery of projects & policies, large or small. We help you strategically communicate and engage effectively with stakeholders, staff & clients to fulfil your goals & exceed your key performance indicators.

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Be it an emerging public issue, a significant crisis, or the desire for pro-active, positive story generation, our expertise in media, public relations & issues management will achieve the outcomes you require.

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Genuine community engagement is built on two-way conversation, and active, empowered communities who have a voice and know they have been heard. We provide multifaceted approaches to help your organisation engage effectively with your target audiences. 

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